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The increase in mobile technologies and with it the inherent potential for loss and, in the case of ICT, security breaches has increased the importance of cost effective asset management as a key function in supporting an organisation's operational activities. It is crucial an organisation knows what assets are held and used, the location of these assets, their condition and who is using them. In addition, there is the need for effective and efficient servicing and auditing. In this environment, an organisation has the requirement to manage large amounts of integrated information in fast-moving situations. This process can be a time-consuming and complex task.

​VivaTrak significantly simplifies the full life cycle of the asset inventory process from acquisition through disposal. VivaTrak is powerful and user friendly and can be operational very quickly providing complete asset tracking, servicing and auditing of all assets. VivaTrak not only delivers much greater accuracy, speed and flexibility in the management of assets but, as a productivity tool, it also significantly reduces the number of staff hours required to undertake this critical function.















VivaTrak makes use of RFID, Barcode, and mobile application technology. It embraces all of the latest IOT technological advances, including iBeacons, providing full lifetime management of the workforce and valuable mobile assets including communication and medical devices.


VivaTrak Mobile (VTM), a Vivasoft App, takes advantage of the increasing use of personal issue mobile devices within an organisation. While replicating the functionality of VivaTrak, VTM also enables users to undertake the asset auditing process, including self-audit, throughout its operation at a local level.

The Vivasoft implementation service includes system installation (if client hosted), data migration and training. A cloud based solution is also offered. Vivasoft can implement VivaTrak within a relatively short time frame with the complete implementation process elapsed time usually measured in days.
















The Vivasoft Support Service provides easy telephone and email access to technical support from our application and system support representatives and also helps keep your product up to date with the latest upgrades to the programme functionality.

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